Monday, March 15, 2010

Opening Salvo

Good evening. Welcome to the LoCo Liberal.

Who am I? Good question. I am an openly Gay Liberal Democrat living in Loudoun County, Virginia. There seems to be a dearth of liberal ideas in LoCo, so I hope to 1) publish some, in spite of resistance, 2) get folks to think outside the box, and 3) poke fun at the Republican establishment in the Commonwealth.

Now, just to be clear, I am going to skewer all persons who might be interested in the following: 1) depriving my partner and me of our Constitutional right to wed under Article I, Section IV of the United States Constitution, 2) depriving ANY citizen of ANY civil right within reason, and 3) any politician who likes to use gay and lesbian citizens as their personal pawns in the culture wars of the Commonwealth.

Therefore, the following elected officials are in the crosshairs from the start:

- Ken "Homosexuality is Wrong" Cuccinelli
- Eugene "My Brother is A Child Porn Peddler" Delgaudio (aka Eugene Del Gotta Go)
- Bob "God Punishes Women Who Have Had Abortions" Marshall
- Bob "Michael 'Porn Makes You Gay' Schwartz Is My Hero "* McDonnell

Now, on with the skewering!  But where to start?

Well, let's start with Ken "I am not saying, I am just saying" Cuccinelli.  If ever there was a politician who loved the taste of foot in mouth, it would be he.  Cuchi-cuchi, and I am so dissing Charo here, the Attorney General who has a lack of, I don't know, intelligence, has come out saying that while he believes President Obama was born in the United States, he can make a case to prove that he was not ( What kind of foolishness is this?

Well, Ken's.  Let's look at how insane this man is.  I almost called him stupid, but the man did pass the bar exam, and so did Roy Cohn, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Richard Nixon, John Dean, and Chuck Colson, so I a not so sure that that cancels my almost.  Nah.

Ken has a problem with anyone who is not White, Catholic, Married, male.  There is no other way to put it.  If "teh geys" are given any special treatment, then let's be sure to nip that in the bud.  Women?  Fuhgetaboutem.  Non-documented immigrant?  Boot em out!  Woman wanting to exercise her right to obtain an abortion, which as of this writing, is STILL legal in this country?  Not under my watch!  And now the President is, but might not be, a citizen?  Give me a break!

Unless you live in Texas, Hawaii became a state on August 21, 1959, a full 703 days before the President was born.  Birth certificate?  Legal.  Look at it this way:

If Mr. Obama was NOT a natural born US Citizen, don't you think that would have come out during the vetting process?  Are you saying that the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and any other three lettered intelligence agency in this country would not have exposed that?  Think about it: the President who proceeded Mr. Obama, Shrub (Not big enough to be a full Bush) was a REPUBLICAN.  If there were any question, don't you think a member of the White House Wizard of Oz (No Brain, No Heart, and No Courage) would have let that be known?

Cuchi-cuchi, go somewhere and sit down.  You are starting to look stupid.  Oops.  Too late.

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