Monday, March 22, 2010

Cuchi-Cuchi, Do It, I DARE You!

From the "I can't believe this crap is based in reality" file:

AG Cuchi-Cuchi (R - VA) announced he is going to sue the Federal Government over the Health Care Legislation passed, and being signed by the President of the United States.  I don't understand how (or why) he would want to do this.

Currently Virginia is in the midst of a budget shortfall to the tune of $3.7 Billion.  In other words, up Caca's Creek without any one ply toilet paper.  We are screwed in the Commonwealth, and I am not talking about with a Phillips.  This is screwed and not even getting a drink out of the date.  This is screwed like Meryl Streep has been at the Oscars.  This is screwed like many residents here in LoCo, who are upside down in their mortgages, and have no recourse.

Listen Cuchi-Cuchi: file the suit if you want to.  The villagers, the ones with no health insurance, will remember this come November 2013.  People like me will make sure of it.  We will make sure that all of the seniors in this Commonwealth (or should I say Commonpoor, since there is a budget crisis happening) remember how you wanted to close the Medicare Part D donut hole, how you wanted to make sure the the poor and disenfranchised (people of color, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered) had no protections because of you.  College students will be reminded how, in your first act of hubris, was to instruct public colleges and universities to remove any mention of protecting its GLBT members from discrimination.  Oh Cuchi-Cuchi, you may not remember, but WE WILL!

WE WILL remind the citizens of how you wasted precious resources that could have potentially helped those who needed it most on a lawsuit regarding an issue that YOU personally disliked.  We will remind the citizens about the people who supported you, never reined you in (Bob, Delgottago, and Mother Nature's Revenge, I am talking to you!) never seriously challenged your obviously self-aggrandizing behaviors.

Cuchi-Cuchi, file the suit.  I DARE you.

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